You’re going to be amazed.
But do you know what? I’ve never been amazed. Never!
Not when the squirrel was riding on water skis, not when the flash mob visited a mall and sang a Christmas carol, and not when Mayor Ford of Toronto said that he had more that enough pussy to eat at home, thank you very much.
But that’s the hook on social media, isn’t it? How amazed we will be when we click on the link.
You’re not going to believe what happens next.
Only … it’s totally believable.
Like when the fat kid picked the skinny kid who was bullying on him, and body slammed him onto the pavement. Believable.
The Russian gymnasts. Totally believable.
The dancers who form cars and hearts with they shadows, cool, yes, and also believable.
So please stop telling me otherwise. I’m a sucker with the links, but mostly I’m worried.
Yes, worried.
What if something unbelievable happens, and because I’ve become jaded I miss out?
What if a guy really does rip off another guy’s head and shits down his throat? “You are not going to believe what happens when the driver of car one cuts off the driver in car two. Totally unbelievable.”
And what if I don’t take the bait and miss out?
That’s something I really want to see.
What if a young lady sneezes with her eyes open, and both baby blues go flying from her skull like yo-yos? Priceless, and totally unbelievable. At last, something we can’t believe in!
I want to see a guy shit his pants out, literally. Like, literally. He gets up off the shitter, and there in the toilet is a soiled pair of bluejeans. “I’ll be damned. Honey? Bring the video camera.”
This is horrible to say, but wouldn’t it be cool to see someone get their face ripped off? Who wouldn’t watch that?
I’ll tell you who? Me. Because I don’t click on those links anymore, goddamnit.
What if someone actually kills someone with kindness?
And here I am, missing out! I mean … it’s eating me up inside.
Jesus, what if I miss out on someone getting eaten up … from inside?
And what if a woodchuck chuck’s wood? How adorable!
“You are not going to believe what happens when it starts to rain! Click on the link to find out.”
And when you click on the link, it’s raining cats and dogs. Real cats, and real dogs. Falling from the rainclouds, splattering on the cars and the pavement, the little old lady crossing the road with an umbrella. I would watch that shit in slow motion, especially the part about the cats, fucking cats, and maybe even download it and cut it with music – Ride of the Valkyries.
So please, stop saying that it’s so unbelievable. I’m begging you, because when the unbelievable stuff starts to actually happen I want to see it … with my own two eyes … popping out of my skinless skull like yo-yos, my head ripped clean with shit down my throat and my bluejeans soaking in the shitter. Now that’s the life for me!